In order to pursue its mission of excellence in teaching, research and public service, UCI counts on the support and guidance of the trustees of the UCI Foundation.
The trustees are Orange County community and business leaders who are able to mobilize support, create partnerships and offer transformative guidance to the university.
Here, we’ll get to know the trustees in their own words as they tell us a little bit about themselves and share what inspired them to get involved with UCI.
Jennifer Friend
Why did you choose UCI as a student?
To be honest, when I was in college I had a lot of family responsibilities and lacked the funds to go directly to a 4 year university. I went first to a junior college and then transferred to UCI as part of a program that guaranteed admission if you took specific classes and maintained a certain grade point average. Being from Orange County and wanting to be close to my family, UCI was an excellent choice and opportunity.
What is your favorite UCI memory?
Talking on the pay phone outside of Crystal Cove Auditorium (yes we had those on campus) and seeing this handsome red head on the phone next to me. He was in my Symbolic Logic class 2 quarters earlier and I then found out we had E8 together. We fell in love in that class and 2 kids and 21 years of marriage later, I can say that our Anteater love is going strong.
How has UCI impacted you personally and professionally?
It has enhanced, trained, and informed my ability to think across systems and see the interconnectivity between system players, outliers, problems and solutions.
What’s your advice for current Anteaters?
Be you. Use your perspective, life experience, brain, heart and soul and pour them all into whatever you do, whether that’s ending homelessness, curing disease, advocating for justice or playing catch with your kids. Be present — all of you- in whatever moment you are in.