Global warming will have us crying in what’s left of our beerUC Irvine·Follow4 min read·Oct 16, 2018--ListenShareMedia MentionsThe New York Times (AP), Oct. 15, 2018Global Warming to Leave Us Crying in Our Costlier BeerWASHINGTON - Add beer to chocolate , coffee and wine as some of life's little pleasures that global warming will make…www.nytimes.comWashington Post (AP), Oct. 15, 2018Global warming to leave us crying in our costlier beerWASHINGTON - Add beer to chocolate , coffee and wine as some of life's little pleasures that global warming will make…www.washingtonpost.comMoneyWatch (CBS/AP), Oct. 15, 2018Climate change to double costs of making beer, scientists sayAdd beer to chocolate, coffee and wine as some of life's little pleasures that global warming will make scarcer and…www.cbsnews.comCBC (AP), Oct. 15, 2018Global warming could make beer scarcer and costlier, study finds | CBC NewsAdd beer to chocolate, coffee and wine as some of life's little pleasures that global warming will make scarcer and…www.cbc.caWall Street Journal, Oct. 15, 2018Beer Makers' Steps to Mitigate Climate Change Might Not Be Enough, Study ShowsBig brewers are taking steps to maintain supplies of barley, the main crop used in beer, amid climate change. A new…www.wsj.comNPR, Oct. 16, 2018Climate Change Could Make Beer Prices Double, Study SaysThe price of beer could rise sharply this century - and it has nothing to do with trends in craft brewing. Instead, a…www.npr.orgGood Morning America, Oct. 16, 2018Beer shortage due to climate change? Yes, it could happenClimate change could lead to a significant beer shortage.www.goodmorningamerica.comUSA Today, Oct. 15, 2018Suds shortage? Warming climate threatens world's beer supplyCLOSE Now this is getting serious. Worldwide, over the next few decades, beer could become more scarce and thus more…www.usatoday.comForbes, Oct. 15, 2018Thanks To Climate Change, You May Need To Shell Out More For Beer, Study FindsClimate change has been blamed for the wild swings in agricultural crop yields, but it could also result in a doomsday…www.forbes.comGizmodo, Oct. 15, 2018Drink Beer While You Can Still Afford ItThe climate apocalypse wants to strip us of everything sacred in this world. There areconcerns aboutchocolate (though…earther.gizmodo.comWIRED, Oct. 15, 2018Climate Change Might Double the Cost of a BeerBeer drinkers might pay more and find less of their favorite beverage as climate change comes for barley. Scientists…www.wired.comSmithsonian Magazine, Oct. 16, 2018Thanks to Climate Change, Beer Will Go the Way of Bees, Chocolate and As a recent and very dire United Nations report on climate change made clear, rising global…www.smithsonianmag.comScientific American, Oct. 15, 2018Trouble Brewing? Climate Change Closes In on Beer DrinkersFirst, there was too much rain. An ill-timed storm thrashed barley fields in Montana-home to over a fifth of the…www.scientificamerican.comFast Company, Oct. 15, 2018Ready to fix climate change now? It's going to make the price of beer skyrocketYou may soon be paying more for beer because of climate change. A new study looked at how extreme heat waves and…www.fastcompany.comMashable, Oct. 15, 2018Climate change could threaten the world's beer supply. Do you care about global warming now?Some 10,000 years ago, after the frigid Ice Age ended, humans tamed the nutritious grain, barley. It blossomed in a…mashable.comThe Scientist, Oct. 15, 2018Climate Change Likely to Ding Beer SupplyThe average price of a pint could double by the end of this century because of declines in barley yields, a study…www.the-scientist.comScience News, Oct. 15, 2018Add beer to the list of foods threatened by climate changeBeer lovers could be left with a sour taste, thanks to the latest in a series of studies mapping the effects of climate…www.sciencenews.orgDigital Journal, Oct. 15, 2018More drought and heat for barley crops means less beer worldwideThere is nothing quite like the taste of an ice-cold beer on a scorching hot day - but global warming doesn't pick and…www.digitaljournal.comThe Guardian, Oct. 15, 2018Trouble brewing: climate change to cause 'dramatic' beer shortagesExtreme weather damage to the global barley crop will mean price spikes and supply problems, according to new researchwww.theguardian.comMirror, Oct. 15, 2018Price of pint of beer could soar to £10 as experts warn of climate change threatIf your go-to drink in the pub is a pint of beer , you might want to start looking at alternative options. A new study… Mail, Oct. 15, 1984Climate change could cause lager to DOUBLE in priceBarley is a crop which is an essential ingredient in the brewing of beer Climate change is causing droughts and…, Oct. 15, 2018Beer drought: Beer shortage and price hikes loom because of global warming warn scientistsThe co-ordinator of the research and UK lead author added: "While the effects on beer may seem modest in comparison to…, Oct. 15, 2018Price of beer set to double as droughts and heatwaves decimate barley fieldsThe apocalyptic impact of climate change has finally been revealed - the price of beer could soar to a tenner a pint… News, Oct. 15, 2018The Latest Victims Of Climate Change: Beer DrinkersBad news for beer fans - droughts and heat waves driven by global warming will hurt barley crops, likely doubling the…www.buzzfeednews.comPopular Science, Oct. 15, 2018Climate change brings rising seas-and beer pricesBeer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the United States and around the world. It accounts for nearly half of…www.popsci.comarsTechnica, Oct. 15, 2018Barley shortages from climate change could mean less beer worldwideThere's nothing quite like putting your feet up after a long, hot summer day and enjoying a refreshing cold brew if…arstechnica.comThe Weather Channel, Oct. 16, 2018Climate Change Is Going to Reduce World's Beer Supply and Make It More Expensive, Study Says | The…More frequent droughts and heat waves will decrease the amount of barley produced globally, resulting in a shortage of…weather.comThe Daily Show, Oct. 16, 2018